Friday, 19 August 2011

Fwd: Superfreakonomics

Love this sequel of Freakonomics, more surprising insights. a delight! 

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace by Joe Vitale

Interesting read...

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Inside job

How Wall-Street brought down the world and was rewarded for it! Don't let them get away with it!

Everything is Obvious (once you know the answer) by Duncan Watts

It is that obvious!

Sunday, 12 December 2010

不去會死 Dying to go!


Author: Yusuke Ishida 石田裕輔

Have you ever thought about where the most beautiful place is in the world according to your own definition? This Japanese author cycled around the world for 7+ years to search this place. His encounters reveal his emotions to different places and people, the beautiful and ugly side of humanity and a world that you probably do not have a chance to see during your life time.

I found the title echoes my inner voice as a passionate traveller. We travel as if we will die tomorrow. I truely admire his courage to embark on such an adventurious journey. It actually reactivates my travel DNA when feeling drained after work.

Saturday, 29 May 2010

Four hour work week - Timothy Ferriss

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The four-hour work week - Timothy Ferriss
I really like this book!
It is about attitude change towards the work-life balance and pursuing passions and life goals
It is about time-management, do things efficiently and effectively, not do work for work sake.
It is about freeing yourself from a lot of unneccessary constraint such as your boss, an office, even a particular location and a lot of the time-wasting/zero value generating activities.
It is about eliminating the burdens.
It is about beating the game not just playing the game.
It is about over-coming the fears that have been stopping you from taking actions!
Most importantly, it is about getting rich in a combination of money, time, freedom and spiritual.
And the advices are actually practical, I have started applying some of the tips IMMEDIATELY!